
every day

it seems as if i cannot even go through a day without getting into a fight with my dad. This is ridiculous. we reach some resolution, and then everything we talked or argued about, gets argued or talked about the next day. It makes working really hard, and getting up the next morning on no sleep to go to school even harder. I keep telling myself that all i need to do is make it through till first quarter grades come in, and then i'll just shove them in his face, and he'll finally stop bothering me, if he believes i'm actually working. But i have this horrible suspicion that he won't care, and that there will always be things that i should have done, or that i was supposed to do, or that i should be working on right now instead of doing whatever i am doing. Today was even a pretty good day overall, but now i'm home, and it feels like i'm all alone, except i don't even get my own privacy, which is the best part of being alone. I can't really just think about things, because everytime i stop doing anything my dad asks why i'm not working. So i'm typing and he doesn't know any better. I'm so excited for when i leave this house. and i doubt if i'm going to be coming back anytime soon. My brother is probably going to be living at home once he's out of college, but i would much rather move somewhere and get a menial job until i can find out what i'm going to be doing, that would be so much easier for me than to come back her and try to find one. At least i've been writing a lot, even if it has been bad for the most part. Hopefullly it'll continue. I'll probably post something later, maybe even make something up.

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