
been a minute

It's been a pretty strange weekend. I've been going through a little bit of shit. Another of my friends admitted that she likes me, bringing the tally up to 6? something like that. It's really crazy, seemingly as soon as i get close to someone they fall for me. It makes life a lot more complicated than it has to, and now i feel as if i'm dancing on shards of glass, ironically trying not to crush the glass with the weight of my body. Just another not on the weight thing, I'm actually going to be losing weight anyway, and then start bulking up, because i'm not strong enough for my own satisfaction. I've been spending too much of my time thinking about my own problems and not doing anything about them. Trying not to think too much anymore, just go through the day, doing my work, keeping on my feet, and doing the best i can. I feel like this blog has recently become a center for self-pity and disgusting self-centeredness. But i don't really have a problem with the blog being that, i have a problem with me being that way, so i'm going to try to work away from that. A good note is that i've been writting more and more as my life gets more complicated, probably because i have less time, and so i try to procrastinate from my work even more by doing useful things instead of just playing video games and such, although that is a major part of my escapism, recently i haven't really had the time to slip away from my life, and when you refuse to pay attention, things fall even quicker through your fingers, so I haven't been doing it as much. Re: comments, thanks for leaving them everybody. I really do enjoy hearing from you guys, no matter what, and i'm still gonna be eating salads ;)

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