
this is a cry for unbabies

for every baby that is born, about .1 of a person dies. that is a serious problem, but we can't just not have babies, people are too fucking horny..SO i've decided that unbabies should be seriously considered. Instead of bringing a baby into the world,
they don't.
instead of making babies, or UNmaking babies, which is wrong (despite all the dead baby jokes i know) we make unbabies! yay. problem solved. (children of men anybody?)


phaedra said...

oh wise one... please describe those unbabies for us. i am imagining, instead of empty air where the unbabies are, strange little sprite-like creatures... they take up much smaller spaces and almost never need to eat or drink. very convenient to take on a trip and keep one company.

Cherry said...

You should read "A Modest Proposal"