
life and a backwards dog

the last post was whiny and ridiculous, and you should discount it completely, i'm only not deleting it because i decided not to delete it. ON a real note, i'm happy see me smile XD, Mara is coming tomorrow, and i have the Ivy league tournament, which i'm souped for! i'll get another chance at Edwards, and i'm pumped to knock his head off. As far as shoes, i found these a while ago but i don't know if i put them up so:
and yes i made that a hyperlink just for a particular person...it will never happen again. but you're welcome. After tomorrow my life will just be easy or something right? no real work, a little fun stuff, a little required work, but nothing crazy. I'm interested in most of my classes, or at least enough that i don't need to worry about it. Wrestling is really teh only thing that absorbs all of my time now, and writing too, but i've actually been able to sleep a little bit as well, probably cause i'm so exhausted physically that i can't keep going, but it's been good, i have no right to complain, i guess this is my explination for why you should disregard the last post :P. Got into RPI, city champion, soon to be ivy champion again (fingers crossed and doing pushups){i really like that expression, it indicates both sides of what i believe in; luck and work/dedication as a means of achieving things} plus there's ALL the girls and guys who are completely in love with me and shower me with adoration on an hourly basis of course....BULLSHIT!!! haha, i'm just trying to have fun and survive in this world, and right now it's working right? so i'll leave it at that with a little note about beliefs; i was talking and thinking about god, or spiritual belief or something, and i'm an athiest, but i believe in luck, that you can be lucky or unlucky or that things can be determined by true chance, probably coming from too many video games w/ dice or something, but i think that does exist, not as a controllable aspect of life. Does that mean i believe in a form of god? i don't think so, but who knows, it would be really interesting if people responded or posted on their own blogs about their own beliefs, in specifics not just, i'm a christian, because a lot of people don't really know, but when they begin to think about it they realize that they've actually got some form of deityism that they believe in, i'm intrigued.

Afternote: what is godness?

1 comment:

fairrosa said...

I am leaving a comment with several threads:

1. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN at the IVY. Report back! I'll be Raj Blog Watching today.

2. Thanks for that link.

3. Beliefs: Once again, we are exactly the same on this one. I do not believe in a perceivable (or worshipable) GOD. But, being from a culture where pretty much "everything in life has something to do with the 5 elements of the world, something to do with how the stars aligned at a particular time, and something to do with who you knew in your previous lives, etc." it is neigh impossible for me to NOT believe in some form of life force. I often attribute this to my cultural upbringing of Taoism. It's a philosophical look at the entire world: natural and man-made and finding out and following that "Way" that will most benefit yourself: be it spiritually or physically or materialistically. It depends on what you are seeking. You find the way. So, yeah, I am a total Luck and Fate believer -- although not a God believer.