
Listening to crazy mad amounts of Wu-tang, i'm just clad i have like 7 albums. Today was pretty illin. Classes are mad fun, jokes as usual, cept for G-man's cause he's a fucking stoic, hell yeah jake he mos def is. umm, my recent favorite movie on teh interwebs is this one:
i want to be able to do that in a little bit, like 5 years, would you be scared of me?
I have amazing news, which is why my life is so great amazing right now. I got news from Mara that she might be coming next week to visit for a week! i'm Souped! Mara is my friend from Belgium who visited over the summer. i'll try to get some pictures of her if she does visit, and put them up, she's really beautiful. Umm that's pretty much it for now, as far as wutang goes, i think i'm on a ghostface kick right now, but still chilling to ODB and Raekwon, and of course all of them together, and the killa bees too. Basically wutang rocks my fucking world, and i'm so upset that i missed out on their concert, but at least their still doing it which means that there might be another one sometime that i can make! I've recently been looking at slightly more complicated shows a little more seriously, less like elemental and more little touches, still not into complex shit going on and mad different colors and things going down on my kicks, but more like the octopussy dunks here:

which are hot as fuck i think.
Ite that's all for now.

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