
crazy ass bitch

my dad is driving me crazy. i don't understand him at all anymore. He constantly wants me to be working, even though it's finally summer and i actually shouldn't have any work to do. But that's not good enough for him, he needs to see me WORKING or else i'm obviously not on top of things. Then when i try to spend as much time away from home as possible, sleeping at friends' houses, going out for every meal, etc. he makes me come home so he can see me, saying that i'm avoiding him and everything, which is true. The bitch of the matter is that i want to get away from him now, because for most of the summer i'm going to be stuck right next to him, and even though i'll be doing fun stuff, it's gonna be painful. I was hoping to get away from him as much as possible this week, before i go off to camp and lose my mind in physical pain, but i guess it's not to be. At least i can talk and communicate and exist around my mom, but with my dad it just seems that everything each of us does just gets to the other until we have to have another "discussion" about my problems. I'm just tired of always fucking dealing with him, and the fact that he doesn't care what i do as long as i'm not doing what he thinks i should be doing even if it's unreasonable. I don't understand why he has to be irritable with me. Why his expectations have priority over mine i don't get, and why his way is better, and the only way he can accept. like what the fuck? anyway, i just wanted to get that shit off my chest. i think i'm gonna start typing up shit e'rey day. just to keep on this shizz.

1 comment:

Cherry said...

Stiff upper lip.
You're letting him get to you. If you weren't, you wouldn't have written this post.