I'm glad to be home. Even though I guess it's weird to think of this as home (RPI) but I'm so much more comfortable, not getting into constant fights with the parents and everything. I can just be peaceful here, just work at all the shit I've got going at the same time. This next week is the beginning of crazy business. But I love it. Great movies:
District 9: absolutely astounding, action, images, acting, all of it was just phenomenal, totally unexpected and surprising from what I thought would be a pretty standard decent scifi movie, and it blew me away.
Moon: I don't know how many ppl have heard my opinion of moon, but it is AMAZING. Instantly one of my favorite movies, without question, incredibly thrilling (in the true sense of it, not in a violence and gore horror movie sense of it) and really mentally engaging and emotionally assertive. I loved this movie, will be willing to see it endlessly over and oever again.
most recently;
Gamer: exceeded expectations a LOT, much more involved than a simple action violence thing. Had very interesting societal implications (a la matrix) and even the clean and tidy ending wasn't clean and tidy because of the ramifications on society. Thought the plot was really well done, and the film editing was masterful. Of course, compared to the other two the plot isn't quite as good, but in any other company it would shine. Best point; the game. Is. Awesome. I thought I was in the music video for jizz in my pants I was so happy, the action is that good, best I've seen in a VERY long time, it really had a purpose, but was still incredibly graphic and amazing for its own sake, pretty much amazing.
As far as music; I haven't had a real chance to start delving into ppl's choices and stuff at RPI, which I'll get around to pretty soon once I start getting a real schedule worked out and everything. Got a new metal album from Jesse; armory I believe they are called, they're real good. I wish there was some way to put music up here, maybe I'll play around with it. And of course Prince Ea is my new favorite underground rapper, real movement and impact in the lyrics, and his flow is just contagious.
that's pretty much it, miss a lot of people, seeing a couple of them this weekend did and didn't help, but I'm definitely very glad to be back where I belong, because staying with the rents really showed that to me. the city is amazing though, and I missed it a lot while I was here without even realizing it, but I'll be back (arnold) with a vengeance.
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