

So busy! it's awesome! I've officially accepted a bid for Lambda Chi Alpha (LXA) and could not be happier about the guys there. Will be going through some of the replies I've gotten about music, thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming, and if you ever want to send something to me without posting it my email is deefcrumpet@gmail.com




so true. everything. If you aren't a wrestler you won't get all the references, but it's still epic. If you haven't wrestled you haven't really lived :P



Been crazy busy. But I'm loving school so it's ok. Classes+clubs+wrestling+workingout+homework+socializing= never any time. So I'm just throwing this up so people know what's going on, and I'm sorry if I've been neglecting people or something.
quick note, Kanye, you're a dick. Jay-Z, you're a pimp.


Score to a New Beginning

This is Fairyland's newest album; Score to a New Beginning. it's a fantasy metal album, and I love the title, good pseudo-hardcore shit. Not for light listening unless your heavy listening is something along the lines of screaming babies getting their intestines eaten by crows, than this would be like listening to the ocean. There's not too many vocals, but what there is is quite harmonious and effective in the theme of a soundtrack. really good guitar, and the keyboard of course just makes you think you're sailing in a viking ship going to attack the shore or something :P. Definitely worth a look into, real good album. Might write something further on them when it's not sunday morning, and I don't need some restoration and have work to do. Good ish.



Just throwing it out there; if you ever have an album or song or artist that you like or are interested in lemme know, I'll listen to it, try to write up a review or something, you can learn my opinion, and other people will learn lots of new music (and you will too if anyone else starts in on it). I love music, of any kind (even some country now!) so don't be ashamed or anything stupid like that, lemme know! Thanks.


Shout out to my brother, reminded me of the new Raekwon album (if you don't know him he's from Wu-tang), only built 4 cuban linx pt II. It's sick money, I'll need to listen to it a couple more times before I write a little review on it, working on a J. Cole mixtape and blueprint 3 right now, I heard 9 was disappointing, but I'm still gonna see it, hopefully it'll hold a candle to gamer, moon, and district 9, but that's already a hard thing to do. I'm in Comp Sci lecture, so I need to take notes on shit I already know, crazy ass teacher likes note checks... peace everybodies.


old school

love them:


Shout out to my BSA crew. First meeting today, they're fucking awesome, I'm suped to be in the club, chilling with them and all that, new artist J. Cole, and new Jay-Z album blueprint 3 baby. Just throwing that out there, it came up in the meeting, doing my chem thang, so just throwing a quick love out.



So my PC broke... Blue screen of doom several (15) times.... I kept trying different things and kept getting different errors and different blue screens at different times! How exciting right? But it's fine because they can just re-image it and it should work properly right? But officially PCs hate me, prolly because I consider macs superior. It's just aggravating; I have a full day today, and should spend time studying chem (buttrape test tomorrow) instead of sitting waiting for them to finish, can't leave because they're not responsible for property left here. Sigh. So I'm spending my canceled class sitting in the computer lab instead of doing what I was going to do, actually get lunch today. Oh well. Went running this morning, part of my new routine of Running every morning except Wednesdays due to my Wednesday 8:00 class. It was actually not that bad, I've got some weight to lose, so I've got my schedule all dolled up with workouts and runnings, usually one of each a day except sundays (day of rest/ too hungover prolly to get up at any reasonable hour). Listening to a lot of Armory, they keep getting better each time I listen through their album, sounds like the kind of thing that you could definitely go to war to the theme of... and even more awesome. This week is crazy, homeworks and tests and everything, but I'm hopefully going to go see 9 on Wednesday, with Matt? and I'm SUPED! 9/9/09 baby! Side note: Genericon is being held at RPI, which is going to be SICK BOOTY. Haven't really had a chance to read very much, or play WoW, or watch any new movies, cept this weekend I went through Conan the barbarian and Pumping Iron (maybe a mini Arnold spree). Life is pretty good though, lotta work, but some of it is actually fun, and the rest I can choke down like a good little student. Glad to be back here, really feels like home more, and I'm getting really used to the people around me and everything, good feelings all round. So we'll see how things go, don't really know if I'll have a chance to post anything else soon, but I'll try to keep throwing shit up, been a little lax about it cause I've been involved with settling in and meeting people. I got two really sexy pairs, nike dunk pro hightops that pretty much just came out: http://www.zimbio.com/Shoes+And+Fashion/articles/127uDgq9KQ1/Nike+SB+Dunk+High+drop+September+2009

SO SEXY! those are delicious. But I also got a fine ass pair of blue shoes... which I believe to be the Nike air prestige II, hightops of course, in double blue. As I'm not at home I couldn't tell you exactly what they are, aka look at the box, but this is def a picture of them (albeit a bad one, it's the only one I could find)

Anyway, just really happy about both of them, sexy as FUCK! Makes me feel good. :P definitely all Jessi's fault for going shopping with me instead of having a birthday party thing going on this weekend. There are a lot of sexy shoes out there, including some of everything, I've been thinking about getting another pair of Tims, simply because they're amazing, and I've only got 2.. and I want originals... (I've got grey highs and black leather lows). Oh well, first I need to be making some money :P but I've got an interview for a research job tomorrow! which hopefully would mean I make a little something (maybe only like 500 or something, but that's SOMETHING) while doing awesome stuff with plastics, glasses (with computers and light imaging) I hope the person likes me, so we'll see! Will try to get something else up later, and I'll be trying to study chem like crazy, so it'll probably mean I'll post, Oh well.


I'm glad to be home. Even though I guess it's weird to think of this as home (RPI) but I'm so much more comfortable, not getting into constant fights with the parents and everything. I can just be peaceful here, just work at all the shit I've got going at the same time. This next week is the beginning of crazy business. But I love it. Great movies:
District 9: absolutely astounding, action, images, acting, all of it was just phenomenal, totally unexpected and surprising from what I thought would be a pretty standard decent scifi movie, and it blew me away.

Moon: I don't know how many ppl have heard my opinion of moon, but it is AMAZING. Instantly one of my favorite movies, without question, incredibly thrilling (in the true sense of it, not in a violence and gore horror movie sense of it) and really mentally engaging and emotionally assertive. I loved this movie, will be willing to see it endlessly over and oever again.

most recently;
Gamer: exceeded expectations a LOT, much more involved than a simple action violence thing. Had very interesting societal implications (a la matrix) and even the clean and tidy ending wasn't clean and tidy because of the ramifications on society. Thought the plot was really well done, and the film editing was masterful. Of course, compared to the other two the plot isn't quite as good, but in any other company it would shine. Best point; the game. Is. Awesome. I thought I was in the music video for jizz in my pants I was so happy, the action is that good, best I've seen in a VERY long time, it really had a purpose, but was still incredibly graphic and amazing for its own sake, pretty much amazing.

As far as music; I haven't had a real chance to start delving into ppl's choices and stuff at RPI, which I'll get around to pretty soon once I start getting a real schedule worked out and everything. Got a new metal album from Jesse; armory I believe they are called, they're real good. I wish there was some way to put music up here, maybe I'll play around with it. And of course Prince Ea is my new favorite underground rapper, real movement and impact in the lyrics, and his flow is just contagious.

that's pretty much it, miss a lot of people, seeing a couple of them this weekend did and didn't help, but I'm definitely very glad to be back where I belong, because staying with the rents really showed that to me. the city is amazing though, and I missed it a lot while I was here without even realizing it, but I'll be back (arnold) with a vengeance.
creepy and I like it :P




I SMILED SO HARD >.< it's so good....so good....


remember when

So remember when I thought taking chem would be a good idea because I really liked chem? well I need to re-teach myself all of high school chem by next wednesday because we have a test on it. Awesome.